Community Wildfire Protection Plans
Robin B. Clark Inc. carries out many Community Wildfire Protection Plans for First Nations Communities.
A community Wildfire Protection Plan:
- Defines wildfire threat areas within and adjacent to the community
- Identifies measures necessary to mitigate risks of wildfire in hazard areas i.e. tree removal, spacing, pruning
- Outlines a plan of action and proposed cost to implement these measures
These CWPP’s are funded by the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative (SWPI). SWPI is a suite of funding programs managed through the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Working Group – including the First Nations’ Emergency Services Society (FNESS), Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM). Funding is provided by the Province of BC and is administered by UBCM. Currently funding available under the UBCM Strategic Wildfire Protection Initiative (SWPI) are for areas identified as extreme or high Wildfire Behaviour Threat Class and extreme or high Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Threat Class, on Crown land near Reserve boundaries.
With hot dry summers and increasing rate of wildfire in the province, CWPP’s are instrumental in preventing loss of community infrastructure to wildfire.
We collect a lot of field data for these CWPP’s including: tree species, ladder fuels, soil properties, and topographical information. Below you can see a few photos from our field days in the forest.